There comes a time in most people’s lives that they realize that the life they are living kind of blows.  This blog is about how we, a man, a woman, a dog, and sometimes a horse, decided to change the way we would live our lives.  We refuse to be confined to living in one location *cough* cold Minnesota winters *cough*, so we worked at restructuring our affairs to allow us to live a Location Independent Lifestyle.  We won’t ALWAYS be on the road, but we have structured our affairs in such a way that we could be if we wanted to.

What is Location Independent Living???

It’s the ability to live pretty much where you want, when you want, and with whom you want…NOW.  It is NOT toiling away at a job you hate for most of your adult life in order to save up a bunch of money to allow you to get away and vacation at an age when your health is deteriorating, and you’ve wasted away most of your life.  This is not about waiting for someday…but saying somehow TODAY.  This is also not about sitting around in various locations on vacation.  We work while we are away, but it’s not as much as most people do, and it’s not a 9 to 5 daily grind.  When you buy in to this kind of a lifestyle you continue to do most of the things that you currently do in your life, you’re just not tied down to one location.

How Can I Do This???

Do you really want to?  I mean do you REALLY want to?  Do you really know what you want your life to look like?  Until you have a clear vision of what you want you life to look like you’ll never do something like this, or make any other major change in your life that is truly consistent with what you want.  You must start with the vision for your life first.  It then becomes a matter of saying HOW can I do it, instead of saying I can’t do it.

Next, I’m sure you have lots of questions surrounding a variety of different aspects related to transitioning your life in to one that is Location Independent.  We’re here to help you.  We’d love for you to start living your life on your terms, consistent with the vision that you have put together for it.  In this blog we’ll be sharing some of our experiences, tips, and resources that we have found helpful to us in achieving this type of lifestyle.  You’ll get the most help by engaging in our Facebook Group.  Please join by using the link above or to the right.  I plan to log in to the group most days, and that’s where members of the Location Independent Living community will most be able to help each other with making this kind of a lifestyle a reality.

Let us help you make your dream life a reality…