Here There Be Gems

What happens when you’re on the road, and the internet connection is very sporadic???  When you don’t write your posts ahead of time sometimes you get things a day late.  So Happy Monday err Tuesday.


So the main reason for our trip to Tucson was to attend the Tucson Gem Show.  It’s the largest gem show in the world, and we were searching for more gems that Kelly could use in her Western/Cowgirl themed jewelry design line.  You can go here to check out some of her absolutely amazing work.

In addition to the amazing piece above, these are some of the types of gems that we were hunting for:

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Unfortunately, these amazing stones are all from last year.  This year, we had very slim pickings.  Hence one of the reasons that we are looking at doing some of our own cutting and lapidary work.  We did pick up a few things, but nothing as spectacular as these.  We’re still glad we made the trip because…

Here There Be Friends

We got to spend a fair amount of time with some friends of ours during out time in Tucson.  We got to see our friend Gloria, who’s the Mother of one of my very long time friends Karl.  She wandered around a few of the shows with us for a couple of days.  She even brought us some chocolate chip cookies the second day.  She always takes far too good of care of us.

We also got to hang out with a friend from one of my Mastermind groups.  Joe, Mary, and their son Nick joined us for a meal, or 3 for Joe.  It’s always great catching up with these guys.  These alot of knowledge to take away from those with other varied backgrounds who have had success in their given fields.  Here’s a photo that we got from our visit last year.



Ultimately, this is what it’s all about.  Spending time with who you want, where you want.

RV Park Stories

We’re still learning the various little idiosyncrasies about our camper.  Little things like if we jump up and down by the radio in back we can turn the speakers on and off.  Some may call this a feature, but we’ll call it a bug.  Pulling the radio out and tightening all the connections did the trick. :)  We also learned that the tanks don’t drain properly/fully unless we tip the opposite side of the camper up.  We didn’t quite realize how much s***…stuff the tanks could hold until we learned this little trick.  Now to determine whether we want to sleep that way, or just always drive up on a board when we drain the tanks before hitting the road.

Now we’ve already stated how we don’t actually match the demographic of the parks.  We continue to have people staring at us while we are wandering around there.  We even had this one couple stop their car, whip out their camera, and take a picture of us.  OK, they were taking a picture of Daisy…and how could you not want to?



How interesting are the goings on at the RV park?  Kelly got stuck in line trying to talk to the front desk one day.  The guy in front of here was complaining about the RV washing policy.  You’d be charged $3 in order to use the water to to wash your RV.  He said that they were price gouging because the car wash down the road would let you wash for $2.50.   He was pretty much demanding that they price match, for the fifty cent difference.  After waiting through this for about 15 minutes Kelly decided to leave.  I wonder how long he actually stayed there arguing his point…for fifty cents.

What Day Is It Anyway???

We experienced a very interesting state of being while on the road.  We’d pretty much wake up each day and not know what the date was, or the day of the week.  When you aren’t locked in to a schedule you actually have the opportunity to live life.  Your activities are no longer dictated by a schedule that has been imposed upon you.  You can come and go as you please, doing what you want with your time.  Let me tell you, it’s addicting.  Imagine not having to consult your watch or calendar all the time.  Yes, there are still things that need to get done, but you get to dictate when they happen, they don’t get dictated to you.  When you start to consider what freedom feels like, consider this state of being…


Get Connected

As always, I’m going to be spending alot of time in my Facebook Group trying to help people with this in a relatively specific nature.  Although I’ll answer some questions in the comments here, I really want the discussions to happen in the Facebook Group.  Please sign up for that here and engage in the conversations and start to change your life.

If you want to do some of what we’re doing, you can do it.  Please join our Location Independent Living community in our Facebook Group, and let us help you through the journey.


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