How To Get Started – Your Vision


So how exactly does one create a lifestyle which allows them to experience the views above on a fairly consistent basis?

It all starts with…

Your Vision

Without having clarity on what you actually want to achieve, it’s really hard to achieve it.  Your vision has to be worked on with intent, an open mind, and written down so you can always refer back to it to keep you from getting off track.  Without the clarity that our visions have afforded us we wouldn’t be traveling the countryside the way that we are now.  Instead, we’d be sitting around at home, like in previous years, thinking wouldn’t it be nice if we were able to do…

Everybody has a vision for their life that they are living…but for most people it isn’t their own vision that they are living.

If you don’t write things down and plan for them then they are only wishes or dreams.  The most important thing is to write down what you actually want.  Not what society says you should want.  Not what your job says you should want.  Not what your friends and family say you should want.  It’s about what you really want.  The challenge most people have at this point though is that they get caught up in the way their lives are now, or having challenges in coming up with a plan to realize the items in their vision.  Now is the time to move beyond those artificial limitations and come to terms with what it is that you actually want.

Our Story

I’ve been involved in LIFEonaire for a little over 8 years, even before it was called LIFEonaire.  I got involved with LIFEonaire because I was struggling in my investing business.  I saw the first training called “The Secret Sauce” and decided to attend.  It wasn’t about more investing knowledge or any new techniques or business strategies.  It was all about getting your head straight as it relates to what you want in your life, and by extension your business.  I didn’t fully embrace at the time that it is truly all about your life, and that your business only fits in around your life, not your life around your business.


Once I attended the event my life changed dramatically overnight…OK, no it didn’t really.  The message clicked with me, but it took me awhile to really embrace everything that was discussed.  I took some baby steps in the right direction but it wasn’t until nearly 3 years later, as a member of the only, at the time, Titanium level mastermind group with LIFEonaire, that I was truly ready and willing to confront many of the challenges in my life that had been keeping me from embracing this and living the lifestyle that I desired to live.  Once those folks in my group hammered in to my brain, in a loving but stern manner, how I was messing up, I was finally ready, willing, and able to move forward in fundamentally changing my life.

Up until about a year ago we were making good progress, but we weren’t willing to fully embrace what we really wanted and just go for it.  We’ve spent the past year or so readjusting our businesses in such a way to allow them to be run while we were not in town on a consistent basis.  It really just became a matter of switching our thinking from I can’t (which is something that we really didn’t say) in to the attitude of how can we.  How can we do X?  What will it take for us to do X?  What will things have to look like to allow us to do X?  When you fundamentally change your thinking to HOW then it will change your life forever.

How Can I Start Down This Path???

See how I worked that HOW in there? 😉

My first recommendation is to pick up from Amazon the LIFEonaire book and the LIFEonaire workbook.  These will allow you to start to change the way you think.  Really getting down to the basis of how we, as a society, have been taught to think and act.  By starting to get you thinking a different way, we lovingly call this messing people up, it’ll open your eyes to the fact that our lives don’t need to conform to the way society says.  I mean really, who goes traipsing around the countryside in a camper for a couple of months at a time who isn’t already retired?  We do…and you can too.

My next recommendation would be to attend one of the LIFEonaire events.  These are 3 day workshops where you are surrounded by a group of people who, like yourselves, have decided to seek out a better way to live their lives.  You’ll have the opportunity to learn many of the key concepts of LIFEonaire from the instructors and other students who have been modifying their lives based on what they’ve learned through the LIFEonaire teachings.  Most importantly though is that you’ll do exercises, and have time allocated to you, to allow you to put together the first draft of your vision for your life.  If you attend and do all the exercises you will be well on your way to making the mental changes that will allow you to fundamentally change how you live your life.


If you have any questions about any of this please feel free to ask here or to join our Facebook Group and join in our discussions over there.  I look forward to helping you to live a Location Independent Lifestyle too.


  1. This is a great post. As a fellow Lifeonaire it was terrific seeing the fundamentals of the mindset behind Lifeonaire spelled out with such clarity!

  2. Writing a personal vision is by far one of the most impactful things to happen in my life. It allows me to stay focused on the life I want to live and not live life on accident. I would challenge anybody else to do the same and live life more abundantly as a Lifeonaire.

    • Glenn

      February 21, 2016 at 4:23 pm

      Dan, great challenge to everyone. I agree. The more clear this is for people the better chance they have for living the life that they desire.

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